Conference Proceedings, MIRDEC
Previous conference, Budapest 2017
MIRDEC-4th, International Academic Conference on Social Science, Multidisciplinary and Globalization Studies, 04-07 July, 2017, Madrid, Spain
Conference Proceedings, MIRDEC
Masters International continues a tradition of bringing together and provides collaboration opportunites for researchers, experts, academics and professionals from social sciences all over the world.
- Conference proceedings are a collection of technical papers presented at a professional association meeting.
- Authors of accepted papers will have the opportunity of publishing their associated papers in the official conference proceeding.
- Proceedings will be published online on our website www.mirdec.com electronically in pdf format.
All papers/abstracts presented at the conference will be published in the Conference Proceedings(with ISBN).
- Proceeding process should be followed carefully and deadlines should be obeyed by the participants of conference proceedings.
- Full version of the papers should be submitted until the 30 days after the conference dates. After the review/edit process, if there will be any necessary revisions, revisioned/last version of the paper should be submitted by the author according to date which will given by the MIRDEC boards.
- All the submitted papers in the proceedings have been reviewed/edited by the reviewers/editors drawn from the scientific committee, editorial and advisory board depending on the topic, title and the subject matter of the paper. The conference program was extremely rich, featuring high-impact presentations.
NOTE All references must be written in APA. To get your article indexed in many databases, we need to use reference and most appreciated writing style which is perfectly recognizable by those services and APA is the most favorable style for achieving that.
Use single spacing , Times New Roman 11, A4 with 2.5 cm edges.
All text in the article is aligned and starts from left side, do not press tab on each paragraph start!