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MIRDEC-6th, International Academic Conference on Social Sciences

( Global Meeting of Social Science Community)

Social Sciences, Multidisciplinary, Economics, Business and Finance Studies,  

27-29 November 2017, Lisbon, Portugal

Professor Joaquim Ramos Silva

University of Lisbon


Professor Joaquim Ramos Silva.

Head of Department of Economics, School of Economics and Management, University of Lisboa, Portugal: 


Selected researches:


*  Joaquim Ramos Silva and Carla Regina Ferreira Freire Guimar, "Wage differentials in Brazil: Tourism vs. other service sectors", May 2017.


André Magrinho, Joana Neves and Joaquim Ramos Silva, "The Triple Helix Model: Evidence in the Internationalization of the Health Industry", February 2017


* Marin Chintoan-Uta and Joaquim Ramos Silva, "Global maritime domain awareness: a sustainable development perspective", January 2017


* Marin Chintoan-Uta and Joaquim Ramos Silva, "EU Coast Guard: a Governance Framework Based On the Principles of Sustainable Development", June 2016


* Joaquim Ramos Silva, "Foreign direct investment in the context of the financial crisis and bailout: Portugal",, November 2015


* Joaquim Ramos Silva, Mário Franco and André Magrinho, "An Empirical Investigation of the Effects of Industry Type and Firm Size on Export Barriers", November 2016


* Carla Regina Ferreira Freire Guimarães and Joaquim Ramos Silva, "Pay gap by gender in the tourism industry of Brazil", February 2016


* Lirandina Gomes and Joaquim Ramos Silva, "Spanish and Portuguese Hotel Networks in Brazil: Evidence from the Northern Coast of Bahia", December 2014


* Silva, Joaquim Ramos, 2008. "Internationalization strategies in Iberoamerica: the case of Portuguese trade," Documentos de Proyectos 181, Naciones Unidas Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL).


* Horácio C. Faustino & J. R. Silva & Rita V. Carvalho, 2000. "Testing Intra-Industry Trade Between Portugal and Spain [1990-1996]," Working Papers Department of Economics 2000/06, ISEG - School of Economics and Management, Department of Economics, University of Lisbon.


* Lirandina GOMES & Joaquim RAMOS SILVA, 2014. "SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE HOTEL NETWORKS IN BRAZIL,Evidence from the Northern Coast of Bahia," Regional Science Inquiry, Hellenic Association of Regional Scientists, vol. 0(2), pages 39-55, December.


* Joaquim Ramos Silva & Maria Sousa Galito, 2014. "China's approach to economic diplomacy and human rights," International Journal of Diplomacy and Economy, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 2(1/2), pages 23-41.


* Cristiano Cechella & Gustavo H. B. Franco & Tomaz Dentinho & Joaquim RAMOS SILVA, 2012. "The brazilian economy position on the Investment Development Path (IDP)," Regional Science Inquiry, Hellenic Association of Regional Scientists, vol. 0(2), pages 29-39, December.


* Cristiano Cechella & Tomaz Dentinho & Joaquim Silva, 2012. "World centralities for political, demographic and market purposes," Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, Springer, vol. 5(2), pages 73-83, July.


* Silva, Joaquim Ramos, 2005. "A internacionalização das empresas portuguesas: a experiência brasileira," RAE - Revista de Administração de Empresas, FGV-EAESP Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo (Brazil), vol. 45(0), January.


Book Chapters


* Joaquim Ramos Silva, 2012. "Foreign Direct Investment and Regional Policy," Chapters,in: Globalization Trends and Regional Development, chapter 7 Edward Elgar Publishing.



Dr. Luisa Margarida Cagica Carvalho

University of Aberta, Lisbon


Dr. Luisa Margarida Cagica Carvalho,

University of Aberta, Lisbon,  Portugal: 


Selected researches:


* Galina, S.; Carvalho, L.; Costa, T. (2016). “Innovation Management of internationalized IT companies in Brazil and Portugal” International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, volume 8, issue 4 (Forthcoming)


* Carvalho, L.; Viana Noronha; A.; Mantovani, D. (2016) "Hélice Tripla e Ecossistema Empreendedor: O papel da FAPESP no Estado de São Paulo". Edição Especial da Racef “Ecossistemas de Inovação e Empreendedorismo”, volume 7, nº1, pp. 84-101.


* Carvalho, L.; Williams, B. (2016) “A Perfect Couple: The Winery and Rural Tourism” Managing Globalization, New Business Models, Strategies and Innovation, Demetris Vrontis, Stefano Bresciani and Matteo Rossi (Eds) Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 77-91.


* Carvalho, L.; Viana, A.B. (2016) “Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem e Ação Docente no Ensino de Gestão: um Estudo Empírico Baseado nas Perceções dos Estudantes da Universidade Aberta” in Práticas e Cenários De Inovação Em Educação Online.  Paulo dias, Darlinda Moreira & António Quintas-Mendes (Eds), Coleção Educação A Distância, nº 1, Universidade Aberta, pp. 344-400.


* Carvalho; L. (2015) “Entrepreneurship in small-scale farms: From production to commercialization" Gabriel Popescu and Andrei Jean Vasile (Eds) Agricultural Management Strategies in a Changing Economy, IGI Global, pp. 213-224, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-7521-6.ch010


* Carvalho, L. (2015) “Exploring Entrepreneurship and Innovation Scenarios in aPortuguese Hospitality Group” Luisa Cagica Carvalho (Ed) Handbook of Research on Internationalization of Entrepreneurial Innovation in the Global Economy, IGI Global, pp.180-194, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8216-0.ch009


* Carvalho, L.; Costa, T. (2015) “Empreendedorismo: Uma visão global e integradora” Edições Sílabo.


* Carvalho; L. (2015) “Challenges and opportunities for virtual universities  in XXI century” Patricia Ordóñez, Robert D. Tennyson, Miltiadis D. Lytras (Eds) Assessing the Role of Mobile Technologies and Distance Learning in Higher Education, IGI Global, pp 131-153, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-7316-8


* Carvalho, L.; Galina, S. (2015) “The role of business incubators for start-ups development in Brazil and Portugal” World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, volume 11, Issue 4, pp. 256-267.


* Carvalho, L.; Costa, T.; Mares, P. (2015) “A Success story in a partnership programme for entrepreneurship education: Outlook of students perceptions towards entrepreneurship” International Journal of Management in Education, volume 9, issue 4, 444-465. 


* Carvalho, N.; Carvalho, L.; Nunes, S. (2015) “A methodology to measure innovation in European Union through the National Innovation System” International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development (IJIRD) Vol. 6, Nº. 2, 159-180.


* Alves; J.; Carvalho, L.; Carvalho, R.; Correia, F.; Cunha, J.; Farinha, L.; Fernandes, J.; Ferreira, M.; Lucas, E.; Mourato, J.; Nicolau, A.; Nunes, S.; Nunes, S.; Oliveira, P.; Pereira, C.; Pinto, S.; Silva, J. (2015) “The impact of polytechnic institutes on the local economy” Tertiary Education and Management , 21 (2), 1-18.


* Carvalho, L.; Sarkar, S. (2014) “Market structures, strategy and innovation in the tourism sector” International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality, Volume 8, Issue 2, 153-172. Carvalho, L.; Williams, B. (2014) “Let the cork fly: creativity and innovation in a family business” International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Vol. 15, Nº 2, 127-134.


* Carvalho, L. (2014) “Microeconomia e Macroeconomia: Conceitos económicos fundamentais para a gestão das organizações” Edições Silabo, 2ª edição revista e melhorada.


* Carvalho, L.; Costa, T.; Caiado, J. (2013) “Determinants of innovation in a small open economy: A multidimensional perspective” Journal of Business Economics and Management, Volume 14, Issue 3, pp. 583-600.


* Carvalho, L., Pinto, S. (2013) “Portuguese knowledge intensive business services: What do we know about them?” Tourism & Management Studies, Vol. 9, Issue 1, pp. 101-108.


* Dominguinhos, P., Costa, T., Carvalho, L. (2013), "Education, knowledge and technology transfer: a portfolio of practices in higher education entrepreneurship", in Dana T. Redford (eds.), Handbook de Educação em Empreendedorismo no Contexto Português, Porto: Universidade Católica do Porto, pp. 303-322.


* Carvalho, L. (2010) "Innovation propensity of multinational firms in the service sector", Journal of Transnational Management, 15(1), pp. 26-45.

Dr. Paulo Jorge Reis Mourao

University of Minho


Dr. Paulo Jorge Reis Mourao,

University of Minho, Portugal: 


Books and Chapters


* 2015: Economia sem Gravata; Chiado Editora; Lisboa

* 2015: “Investors or Givers? The Case of a Portuguese Crowdfunding Site”, (co-author: Catarina Costa) in S. Omatu et al (ed), Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 12th Conference, p.113-120

* 2014: “Changing the hidden rules - An Excel Template for discussing soccer’s competitive balance”, (co-authors: Joaquim Teixeira / Nuno Santos) in S. Omatu et al (ed), Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 290, 115 - 122.

* 2013: “O ajuste directo em Portugal – do enquadramento legislativo ao enquadramento económico”, in Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Doutor Alberto Xavier / organizadores Eduardo Paz Ferreira, Heleno Taveira Torres, Clotilde Celorico Palma. - [Coimbra] : Almedina, 0000-[2013]. - 2.v., p. 609-628 (co-author: Carlos Silva)

* 2012: “How Political Illusions harm National stability: Fiscal Illusion as a source of taxation” (co-author: José-Pedro Cabral), in Herrero, A. et al, Eds (2012) International Joint Conference CISIS’12-ICEUTE’12-SOCO’12- Special Sessions ‘Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing; Springer-Verlag, p. 109-116

* 2012: “A Case of Dictator Games in Public Finances – Fiscal Illusion between Agents”; in Omatu, S. et al., Eds, (2012)

Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence; Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vol. 151; Springer-Verlag; New York; p. 249-254

* 2011: “Confissão” in Duque, E. et al (2011); Deus na Universidade – o que pensam os universitários portugueses sobre Deus?; Fronteira do Caos Editores; Porto

* 2011: “Dívida, Perdão e Gratuitidade”; in vv. Aa. (2011); Fraternidade – Justiça, bem comum, economia e felicidade; Padrões Culturais Editora, Lisboa, pp. 136-140

* 2011: “Toward a Centrality Index for computing grids”; in vv.aa. (2011) Virtual and Network Organizations Emergent Technologies and Tools; CCSI Series, Volume 248, 2012, pp 12-17; Springer-Verlag

* 2010: “Fiscal Illusion causes Fiscal Delusion – Please be careful”; in Magalhaes, S., Jahankhani, H. and A. Hessami, eds,

* 2010; Global Security, Safety, and Sustainability. Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 232-237

* 2009: “Nuno Álvares Pereira e a Economia Política dos séculos XIV e XV”; in vv.aa. (2009); Nuno Álvares Pereira Homem, Herói e Santo – Olhares de Hoje sobre uma Vida de ontem; Universidade Lusíada Editora – Ordem  do Carmo em Portugal; Lisboa; pp. 245-252

* 2009: A Liberdade Religiosa como estímulo à Migração; Observatório da Imigração/ACIDI; Lisboa 2006: Determinantes da despesa pública em Portugal; Caixotim; Porto


Refereed Articles: EconLit/ISI Web of Science Selection:


* 2016: "Income inequality in host countries and remittances: a discussion of the determinants of Portuguese emigrants’ remittances"; International Migration; forthcoming [JCR impact factor 2014: 0.679]

* 2016:"Scoring the efficiency of Portuguese wine exports - an analysis recurring to Stochastic Frontier Models"; Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola; forthcoming; [JCR impact factor 2014: 0.368] (co-author: V Martinho)

* 2016: "Soccer transfers, team efficiency and the sports cycle in the most valued European soccer leagues – have European soccer teams been efficientin trading players?, Applied Economics, forthcoming; [JCR impact factor 2014: 0.613] DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2016.1178851

* 2016: "The Effect of the Establishment of the Portuguese Republic on the Revenue of Secular Brotherhoods—the Case of “Bom Jesus de Braga" "; eJournal of Portuguese History;14(1) [SJR impact factor 2014: 0.13]

* 2016: "Costs and Economies of Scale at not-for-profit organizations: the case of the Santa Casa da Misericordia de Barcelos between 2002 and 2013"; Social Indicators Research; forthc; (co-author: C Enes) [JCR impact factor 2014: 1.395]

* 2016: "The importance of new forms of capital in nonprofit organizations - a case study of the Fafe Delegation of the Portuguese Red Cross"; International Journal of Social Economics; forthcoming (co-authors: C Moreira and T Pereira)

* 2016: "The Irrelevance of Political Parties' differences for public finances - evidence from public deficit and debt in Portugal (1974-2012)"; European Review; forthcoming (co-author: A Correa-Almeida)

* 2016: "Discussing structural breaks in the Portuguese regulation on forestfires—An economic approach"; Land Use Policy; 54 (2016); 460-478 [JCR impact factor 2014: 2.631] (co-author: V Martinho)

* 2016: "Discussing the posthosting evaluation of a mega sporting event: The perception of Warsaw Residents toward UEFA EURO 2012"; Tourism and Hospitality Research; forthcoming; doi: 10.1177/1467358416642009 (co-authors: J Cadima Ribeiro and J Garbacz) [JCR impact factor 2014: 0.367]

* 2016: “Rhetoric on the economy: have European parties changed their economic messages?”; Applied Economics; 48 (22); 2022-2036 (co-author: E. Simone); DOI:10.1080/00036846.2015.1111992 [JCR Impact factor 2014: 0.613]

* 2015: “Descentralização e Desigualdade na distribuição dos fundos constitucionais brasileiros – uma análise de cointegração de séries entre 1997 e 2011”; Cuadernos de Economia; forthcoming [SJR Impact factor 2014: 0.140]

* 2015: “Gini playing soccer”; Applied Economics; May, 47 (49). 5229-5246 DOI:10.1080/00036846.2015.1044650. JCR Impact factor 2013: 0.518] (co-author: J.Teixeira)

* 2015: “Descentralização e Desigualdade na distribuição dos fundos constitucionais brasileiros – uma análise de cointegração de séries entre 1997 e 2011”; Cuadernos de Economia; forthcoming [SJR Impact factor 2014:


*2015: “Gini playing soccer”; Applied Economics; May, DOI:10.1080/00036846.2015.1044650. JCR Impact factor 2013: 0.518] (co-author: J.Teixeira)

* 2015: “Discussing Chevalier’s Data on the Efficiency of Tariffs for American and French Canals in the 1830s”; Sage Open; 5 (2)

* 2015: “Changing the hidden rules - An Excel Template for discussing soccer's competitive balance”; International Journal of Imaging and Robotics, 15(4); 179-184 (co-authors: J. Teixeira e N. Santos)

* 2015: “Socio-economic Determinants for the Portuguese Immigration: An Empirical Discussion”; Social Indicators Research, January, DOI: 10.1007/s11205-015-0860-6 [JCR Impact factor 2013: 1.452]

* 2015: "Studying the Golden Generations' effects and the changes in the competitive balance of the Portuguese Soccer League"; International Journal of Sports Finance; 10 (1); 42-61 [JCR Impact factor 2012: 0.300]

* 2015: “Periodograms on fiscal illusion: discussing the cycle lengths of public finances in European countries, Applied Economics, 47:16, 1698-1709; JCR Impact factor 2013: 0.518] (co-author: J.P. Cabral)

* 2015: "The complex relation between Belarusian trade openness and the agricultural sector"; Land Use Policy. 43; pp.

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